Posts tagged “Feng Shui Logos

As a child raised in an environment of physicians Nancy has found ways to meld her own path, using design with her family’s influence of healing. In order to do this, she has incorporated the practice of Feng Shui- intuitive consious design which relies on the principles of nature- into her design methods. Since 2002 Wind Water Design has evolved a philosophy on the importance of conscious
design in regards to how our spaces effect us. 

A Fusion of Intuitive Design and Function
Wind Water provides Feng Shui consultation and design techniques for residential as well as commercial spaces.

Feng Shui can be an amazing practice that allows one to examine their inner reality through their outer world. In working with her clients, Nancy explains that we create our own world, inside and out and that the landscape of our environment has a direct affect on our moods, health, direction, goal fulfillment, and general ability to enjoy life.
These include:
furniture arrangement for optimum flow and efficiency
color schemes to support the primary function of a space
organizational plans for work and hobby environments
custom wall treatments and finishes, graphic wall art &  murals
graphic identity for print, web and marketing

Feng Shui Applied to Graphic Design
Feng Shui is an art and science which can be applied to all aspects of life. In graphic design examples can be found as elemental symbols applied to graphic layouts, symbolic colors, or colors used to enhance a desired response to an ad logo, or business card, and two dimensional design techniques that draw a viewer in and uplift the mood to create a good association with a service or product. Balance creates a feeling of trust, repetition creates a feeling of reliabilty, contrast promotes interest, and depth inspires. 

Feng Shui Applied to your Environment

Harmonizing and balancing techniques applied to interior spaces in the form of color, texture, imagery and form to nurture not just the objectives of commercial applications, but the needs of the individual in a private space can truly change your every day life. Everyday life is a fractal of the bigger picture, your life as a whole. If the parts are healthy, balanced and whole, the sum will become so as well. Feng Shui is for everyday.
Nancy hopes to awaken the awareness of higher standards in others, as they become inspired to take a look at their surroundings and ask whether they are nurtured and supported and make the changes that will do so.


Nancy Nashed received her BFA in Fine Arts from The Savannah College of Art and Design, and her Professional Classical Feng Shui Certification from The San Francisco School of Feng Shui, considered the most dynamic and comprehensive practitioner training available. She has had the opportunity to study with Roger Green, Alex Stark, Janine Bjornson, David Crowe, & Carol Vinolia among others

Nancy attended Stetson University, in Deland Florida as an Art Major. Though she had a strong connection with her teachers there, she transferred to The Savannah College of Art and Design where she was able to study computer art techniques. Her study of two-dimensional design evolved into a career of art sales and freelance design- working directly with artists, gallery owners, and graphic arts clients. For Nancy the most rewarding experiences in working with clients is the defining moment when a client feels empowered by the creation of a design that embodies their true goals. Be sure to visit the gallery for examples and inspiration.

Wind Water specializes in
Professional Print and Web Graphics
Custom Interior & Exterior Wall Treatments for Homes & Commercial Spaces
Feng Shui Consultation for Residential and Commercial Spaces
Educational Classes and Workshops on Feng Shui