About Wind Water

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 – Feng Shui Consultation & Decor
 – Feng Shui Workshops
 – Wall Art, Murals & Faux
 – Graphic & Web Design

As someone raised in a family of physicians I have  found
my path to creativity by fusing my love for design with the influence of my family to heal and nurture. The practice of Feng Shui is about conscious design. It draws its principles and inspiration from the natural laws of our universe. This philosophy promotes the thinking that we are working in concert rather than struggling, with our environment. This system can and should be applied to all areas of life not only within the design of our physical surroundings, but also into our interior landscapes. Since 2002 Wind Water Design has utilized the philosophy of conscious design to create business image, personal interior spaces, and commercial spaces that serve the individual and the community.  

A Fusion of Intuitive Design and Function
Wind Water provides Feng Shui consultation, decor and design ideas and techniques for residential as well as commercial spaces. Learn Feng Shui principles and apply them to your own space by attending a workshop. Or call for a personal consultation within your space.

Nurture Today for a Healthier Tomorrrow
Harmonize and balance a space in conjunction to your external landscape and your personal needs. Feng Shui as  applied to interior spaces in the form of color, texture, imagery and form not only support the objectives of commercial applications, but can also nurture the individual in a private space, truly allowing the potential for change in your every day life. Each day is a fractal of the larger picture of life as a whole. If the parts are healthy, balanced and whole, the sum as well will become so. Nurture today for a healthy tomorrow.

I hope to awaken the awareness of higher design standards, as I inspire you to take a look at your surroundings and ask whether you are nurtured and supported to the fullest.Wind Water for Reaching Goals and Ideals
Many times our surroundings echo our internal state. If you leave plenty of clutter on or around your desk, chances are you have a stressful issue surrounding your work life. It may be financial, office politics, or performance anxiety.

Too may items cluttering up the entrance to your home and the foyer may indicate a reluctance to let people in to share your life. Whatever your challenge may be, taking a good look at the physical state of your affairs, in and around your home or office can lead to a realization that you can work with.

In Feng Shui everything is thought of in terms of cycles. This means that the life situation is often the cause for the physical manifestation, and the state of your physical surroundings will in turn keep the internal situation stagnant. Learn to create peace in your environment, create balance in your space and serenity in your surroundings in order to nurture your ideals to fruition.

Wind Water for the Office Environment
Good office Feng Shui can lead to more enjoyment and productivity during work hours. Gain energy, eliminate stress and irritability, and raise the level of satisfaction within your work environment with feng shui techniques. Of the 300+ days you spend in your office, why not spend a day or 2 making the most of your environment. Office Feng Shui techniques include charting the energy map of your office, utilizing your best personal directions, creating balance with the 5 elements, and arranging your furnishings in an organized and functional manner. Artwork, color, and symbolic objects are also used to create an atmosphere that’s just right to help you achieve all you’d like in your place of work. You’ll notice a difference in your mood and productivity right away.

Wall Art, Murals, and Custom Wall Finishes for Home & Commercial Space
See the Murals and Faux Finishing Page for ideas on how to customize your space

Wind Water for Visual Identity and Marketing
Do you have a logo you love? Are you a small business with big personality? With Graphic Design that incorporates Feng Shui principles, you can create advertising that truly represents the heart of your venture. Your visual identity should be as unique as your goals and inspiration. I invite you to browse through the graphics gallery for inspiration.

Feng Shui is an art and science which can be applied to all aspects of life. In graphic design examples can be found as elemental symbols applied to graphic layouts, symbolic colors, or colors used to enhance a desired response to an ad logo, or business card, and two dimensional design techniques that draw a viewer in and uplift the mood to create positive association with a service or product. Balance creates a feeling of trust, repetition creates a feeling of reliabilty, contrast promotes interest, and depth inspires. 

View Gallery >

Client Testimonials >

Reach Wind Water Feng Shui at 386.214.7899

Feng Shui can be an amazing practice that allows one to examine their inner reality through their outer world. In working with my clients, Iexplain that we create our own world inside and out and that the landscape of our environment has a direct affect on our mood, health, fulfillment, and ability to fullfill our highest potential.

for a detailed description of Wind Water services click here >

Nancy Nashed received her BFA in Fine Arts from The Savannah College of Art and Design, and her Professional Classical Feng Shui Certification from The San Francisco School of Feng Shui, considered the most dynamic and comprehensive practitioner training available. She has had the opportunity to study with Roger Green, Alex Stark, Janine Bjornson, David Crowe, & Carol Vinolia among others

Nancy attended Stetson University, in Deland Florida as an Art Major. Though she had a strong connection with her teachers there, she transferred to The Savannah College of Art and Design where she was able to study computer art techniques. Her study of two-dimensional design evolved into a career of art sales and freelance design- working directly with artists, gallery owners, and graphic arts clients. For Nancy the most rewarding experiences in working with clients is the defining moment when a client feels empowered by the creation of a design that embodies their true goals. Be sure to visit the gallery for examples and inspiration.

Wind Water Provides:
Professional Print and Web Graphics
Custom Interior & Exterior Wall Treatments for Homes & Commercial Spaces
Feng Shui Consultation for Residential and Commercial Spaces

Educational Classes and Workshops on Feng Shui